What are the advantages and disadvantages of a Databox?

Written by Hana Křenková

I am thoroughly helping foreigners every day. My team and I provide comprehensive legal services both in Czech and English language.

March 15, 2023

Millions of people in the Czech Republic will have their Databoxes automatically set up starting on January 1st, 2023. Databoxes can also be freely set up upon request for the remaining individuals who do not belong to the chosen groups. This will shorten wait times at the post office, save money on registered mail, and allay concerns about late delivery of the letter. However, you should be aware of a few Databox features, such as the message deletion feature or the fiction of delivery, though.


Communicate for free or pay a small fee

Everything related to communication with public authorities (such as ministries, authorities, the police, or insurance firms) is free. Moreover, free extracts from public and private registrations and registers are available. You don’t have to pay for it in electronic form, but you must on paper.

Although there are fees associated with sending messages to private entities, they are still less expensive than registered mail. Any message sent to an individual or legal entity using the Databox for private purposes will cost you 10 CZK including VAT. This still costs less than registered mail.

Also, there are no costs involved in setting up a Databox. Everything is simple and free.

Save time

As the state becomes more digitalized, more tasks can be completed electronically. There is no need to visit the post office or other locations where you would have to wait in line for hours. A Databox can be used to do a wide range of operations online.

Be flexible

You are not required to correspond with public authorities during their office or post office hours. Everything is reachable at any time and from any location. Hence, if you need to present a document by, say, January 20, you can do so on January 19 at 23:30 from the comfort of your home. Or from anywhere else, even when on vacation abroad. The message is immediately sent and delivered to the public authority’s Databox as soon as you press Send.

Have proof of sending and delivering messages

With an electronic trail, you have indisputable evidence in your inbox of both the document you sent and the fact that you sent it. As a result, the message serves as undeniable evidence of delivery that would hold up in court. A letter can no longer be misplaced or delayed due to a weekend or holiday. The date and time you sent the communication from your Databox are also the date and time that the public authorities will use if the document is time-sensitive.

But beware of message deletions that happen automatically!


Messages delete after 90 days

As the Databox does not function like an email account, mail is not kept there eternally. So, 90 days after transmission, all messages are automatically deleted. You can purchase the Data Vault service if you don’t want to lose your messages. Alternatively, you can download and keep critical communications and documents on a separate device.

The fiction of delivery

You are held more responsible for not collecting mail if you set up a Databox. Within 10 days of receiving a message, if you do not log into your Databox, the message is automatically deemed delivered. Any deadlines start with this.

A printed message from a Databox does not serve as an original document

Although being an original, the message was created electronically. You must pay for a paper conversion if you want a printed copy. Similar to having a deed transferred to digital form so you may handle it electronically, this operates in the same way.

How can you simplify the whole thing?

Looking for a way to make using your data box easier? Do you want to be able to see in your email what message you have received and be able to respond to it? We have a new free service called Saamo, which allows you to do everything about your Databox yourself (Databox in my email).

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